
Gawker stalker controversy
Gawker stalker controversy

gawker stalker controversy
  1. Gawker stalker controversy trial#
  2. Gawker stalker controversy crack#

  • Denton under fierce pressure maintained that his internal editorial philosophy was " Is it true? Is it interesting? Check with legal." In response Turkel argued that Denton was adding the last clause on the stand in a major trial, which he denied.
  • Turkel attempted to paint Denton as a hypocrite for asking his wedding guests to refrain from using their mobile phones, but he joked it off with " We asked them, yes, we didn’t sue people." Turkel called Gizmodo's scoop on the iPhone 4 a story about " stolen property." Turkel even made the ironic insinuation that Denton had bribed Daulerio by investing in his failed site in exchange for his cooperation in this lawsuit, which Denton just chalked up as " a bad investment." But the capper was forcing Denton to read aloud the most explicit excerpts from Daulerio's article, because he had the gall to brand it " sweet" and " sympathetic" to Hogan in his deposition! Turkel grilled him on the controversial Gawker Stalker idea, which Denton claimed was " harmless" and no different than celebrity sightings in newspapers.
  • Playing the moral outrage card frequently, Turkel brought up how Denton used to own a pornography blog called Fleshbot until he sold it in early 2012.
  • Despite Turkel trying to get Denton to admit that he had spoken to Daulerio before the Hogan article was published, using evidence from his deposition that suggested as much, Denton maintained that he couldn't remember and " If I had spoken to him before, I would have told him my usual mantra: to consult with counsel.".
  • Daulerio's line of questioning yesterday by his colleague Shane Vogt.
  • Denton's cross-examination by Hogan's lawyer Kenneth Turkel was savage in tone, similar to A.J.
  • Denton argued that footage of the sex tape had to be included with their article because online readers expect " proof of what the writer is saying." He added: " People are doubtful until you show them.
  • In the portion shown today, Denton claimed that he would have taken action if the Hogan story had proven to be false.
  • Gawker's attorney Michael Sullivan played parts of Denton's videotaped deposition that Hogan's side hadn't shown in an attempt to demonstrate that their opponent's painted an inaccurate picture of his testimony.
  • Gawker stalker controversy crack#

    Denton claimed that other stories like their exposé on Toronto mayor Rob Ford's crack cocaine addiction was much more successful in that regard. Nick Denton claimed that didn't make much money off their Hogan article because they didn't gain a significant number of regular visitors from its publication.

    Gawker stalker controversy trial#

    Here is an overview of day 7 of the trial between Hulk Hogan and Gawker Media:

    Gawker stalker controversy