
2021 ember days
2021 ember days

2021 ember days

2021 ember days

That He send labourers into His vineyard. Why stand ye all the day idle, go ye into my vineyard. O LORD, graciously look down upon Thy servants and upon the work of their hands, and do Thou, Who givest food to every creature, bless and preserve the fruits of the earth, that the needy may be filled with good things and that all may praise the glory of Thy bounty. Amen.ĥx Pater Noster … Ave Maria … Gloria Patri …


O GOD, Who to redeem the world didst vouchsafe to be born amongst men, to be circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed by the traitor Judas with a kiss, to be bound with cords, and as an innocent lamb to be led to the slaughter Who didst suffer Thyself to be shamelessly exposed to the gaze of Annas, Caiphus, Pilate and Herod to be accused by false witnesses, tormented by scourges and insults, crowned with thorns, smitten with blows, defiled with spittings, to have Thy divine countenance covered, to be struck with a reed, to be stripped of Thy clothes, nailed to and raised high upon a Cross between two thieves, to be given gall and vinegar to drink, and then pierced with a lance do Thou, O LORD, by these most sacred sufferings, which I, unworthy as I am, yet dare to contemplate, by Thy holy Cross and by Thy bitter Death, free me from the pains of hell, and vouchsafe to bring me to Paradise, whither Thou didst lead the thief who was crucified with Thee, my Jesus, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest, God forever and ever. In Honour of Christ’s Betrayal and Passion GRANT, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that as year by year we devoutly keep these holy observances, we may be pleasing to Thee both in body and soul. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee. “Return, O ye revolting children, saith the Lord: for I am your husband: and I will take you, one of a city, and two of a kindred, … I will give you pastors according to my own heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and doctrine.” ( Jeremiah 3: 14-15)ĪNT. The origins of Ember Days date from the ancient Church (at least the fifth century) and the modern format was arranged and prescribed by Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085).Īs the dismantling, deconstruction and open disregard for the practise of the authentic, orthodox Catholic Faith took hold after Vatican II, veiled in stratagems of ambiguity and seeded generationally, the observance of Ember and Rogation Days were among the early casualties.Īnd on that note, and bearing in mind that God sends His people the priests that they deserve – some say on a personal, rather than purely societal, basis – following the extract from Jeremiah 3: 14-15 below, are some prayers for Ember Days. “Wednesday, Friday and Saturday were days of particular devotion in the early Church: Wednesday as recalling the betrayal of our Lord, and Friday in memory of His Passion, Saturday was later added to these days of prayer and penance as a continuation of Friday, and as far back as the second century they were set apart as Stational days, that is, as days of special religious service and fasting.” September 14 ( Exaltation of the Holy Cross)įrom Blessed be God: A Complete Catholic Prayer Book (pp.234-5):.They are intended to thank God for the gifts of nature, to teach men to make use of them in moderation and to assist those in need.Įmber Days are days of fasting and abstinence and fall annually after “ Lucy, Ashes, Dove, and Cross“: Ember Days are observed on the successive Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the beginning of the four seasons of the year and are an ancient practise instituted by the Church to thank God for blessings received and to implore further graces for the season ahead. The term ‘ Ember Days‘ find its origin in the Latin Quatuor Tempora (‘four times’).

2021 ember days